Marked as the directorial debut of actress Emily Mortimer, The Pursuit of Love is set to be available soon on BBC on May 9th in the UK (Followed by a release on Amazon Prime Video in the US). Based on Nancy Mitford’s novel of the same name , and set in the time between World War I and II, Lily James stars as Linda Radlett who gets sucked into a world of misadventures and sexual exploration, which makes her a bit of an anomaly for her time. Along for this taboo-driven ride is her best friend and cousin Fanny Logan (Played by Emily Beecham).
Morimer both writes and directs the series with Dominic West, Andrew Scott, and Assad Bouab co-starring. Today, the official trailer for the series has been released. Check it out below:
The Pursuit of Love will be comprised of three hour-long episodes. Stay tuned!