Ethan Hawke explained in November 2014, when discussing why he signed on for the film Predestination, that he is a longtime fan of the science fiction genre, but prefers its human elements, rather than special effects. It's for this reason that Predestination is only one of a handful of films he's done in the genre. Among his near 35 years of film credits, Hawke has only starred in 1985's Explorers (his feature-film debut), 1997's Gattaca, and 2009's Daybreakers, and 2013's The Purge before signing on to Predestination in which he explained why he signed on for the project while explaining what guides him to pick such projects:
Whether it's Robert Heinlein, Kurt Vonnegut, Philip K. Dick, H. G. Wells or whoever ... that kind of mind-bendy science-fiction where you can really attack themes in a new way. And when I read Predestination it was like: "What the f*** did I just read?!"
Hawke will next be seen co-starring as the lead antagonist in the upcoming Marvel series Moon Knight, a genre he has been against since the MCU took off in cinemas. So, what I hope this means, is that the project itself is emotionally powerful. Stay tuned!
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